
Regathering Information

Sunday Gathering Update!-3.png

Beginning August 23rd we are re-gathering inside our building. Here are a few important details you need to know before you come. Please also read the in-depth explanation for Pastor Kyle that follow this information.

Our gathering begins at 10am at 1302 Washington St, if you are unable to join us in person please join us online at our Facebook livestream.

We are practicing social distancing while inside the building.

In accordance with government guidance we are requiring masks for anyone 5th grade and higher while in the building. Please keep your mask on the entire time you are in the building with the exception of during the sermon.

Childcare will be provided for the following age groups: Nursery (6 months -18 months), Toddlers (18 months -2 years) and Preschool (3-4 years). Parents are asked keep newborns and children kindergarten and up in the gathering with them.

For the time being we will not be serving coffee, water, or donuts, but feel free to bring your own drink.

For more information please read this in-depth explanation from Pastor Kyle:

Center Church Regathering Information

This Sunday will be our first time gathering back together in the building since the end of March, and to say we are excited is an understatement. The gathering will start at our normal 10:00am time and we can't wait to worship together! If you're unable to gather with us in person, we will be live streaming the service on our Facebook page. I know that hearing this likely creates a lot of questions in terms of how things are going to look, so below are a list of details regarding the gathering that we have put in place to help make the experience as comfortable and safe as possible. Before reading through them I want to ask you for a few things:

· Give us grace- We realize that this season has not been easy for anyone and that we all carry differing views on what is taking place and what does or doesn’t need to be done. With that, we have prayerfully and thoughtfully put together what we feel is the best course of action for the time being and would ask for grace and trust moving forward.

· Pray for unity- Along the lines of grace we all need to be praying that this process will not create space for the enemy to divide our church but that we would be unified in our common goal of being good neighbors to our city in ways that may call us to humble ourselves and take the posture of a servant for the sake of others.

· Be flexible- Please be flexible as we move through what this new season looks like. We know that this is going to be a process and that we will be making changes along the way. Our commitment in this is to communicate as quickly and clearly as possible any changes taking place so that you feel informed.

· Make it a priority to join us- We understand that for some the current risk due to health concerns leaves no other option than for you to continue attending through our livestream option, but if you are able we want to ask that you make it a priority to gather in person on Sunday. There is something so special that takes place when the church gathers and we all need to be part of that if we are able. If you have the ability please join us, even if there are requirements that you may not fully agree with. Don’t allow open handed issues to keep you from gathering with the body of Christ.

· If you have questions or issues reach out, don’t isolate- If at any point you find yourself offended, upset, or hurt during this season the best thing you can do is not isolate and remove yourself but to engage in constructive conversations that seek to foster reconciliation and honesty. Isolation is a great tool of the enemy that builds bitterness and resentment and must be guarded against. Rather, reach out and fight for community because we are all in this together.

Gathering Information

Masks- I want to begin by saying that no one that I have met enjoys wearing a mask. They are uncomfortable, itchy, and can feel limiting in terms of interaction. That being said for the sake of serving others we have made the decision that as of now we are requiring masks for the entirety of the gathering except for the sermon time. This means that when you enter the building masks are required and are to be worn before we start, while we sing, and until you walk outside of the building. You will be allowed to remove your mask during the sermon. In terms of kids we are going with BISD’s policy of masks for 5th grade and up. This requirement is not one we take lightly, nor necessarily enjoy, but is especially important due to the limited space we have in our building and to keep those that want to join, but might at a higher risk, safe. At the end of the day if you have to choose between wearing a mask and gathering for worship my prayer is that we would choose to deal with a minor inconvenience for the sake of others and so that we might glorify God together.

Social Distancing- When looking at social distancing we have tried to the best of our ability to meet the requirements being asked by the state of Texas. This means that when together seek to keep distance between one another when able. When you enter the building try not to

congregate in the foyer area. Rather spread out in the worship or hospitality area. We have set out the chairs in the worship area to provide the proper distancing between rows. Family units are to sit together, keeping 2 empty seats between each family unit. The process of figuring this out is going to be ongoing and we will adapt and plan when needed. A great way to help us distance is to use our outdoor space for fellowship before and after the gathering. This allows for us to spread out more and is better due to it being open air.

Center Kids- Due to our limited space, the need for more class space, and because we are trying to simplify things during this new season Center Kids is going to look fairly different. For starters check-in will take place down the hallway instead of at the welcome desk. When you arrive please make your way down the hall so that your kids can get checked in and have their temperatures taken. Because of the limited space we are asking that only 1 parent take the child down the hall for check-in so that we can keep the hallway less crowded. In terms of classes that are currently being offered see the breakdown below. If you have a child that is older than these class age groups, they will be in the gathering with you. We will have activity packets for them to grab if they would like in the foyer.

Newborns- We are asking for parents with newborns to keep them in the gathering with them to help our teachers for now as well as keep them as germ free as possible.

Nursey(12-18 months)- The nursery class is not set in stone and might change as we see what the mobile verses non-mobile numbers look like.

Toddler(18mo-2 years)

Preschool(3-4 years)

Kindergarten and up will be in the gathering for now.

Hospitality- For now we will not be serving coffee, water, or donuts. If you would like to bring coffee or something to drink for yourself or your child please feel free to, but please make sure that it has a lid and can be closed.

Again, I want to express to each of you that I understand that many of the changes we have made or things we are requiring might not be comfortable to follow and there may even be things you don’t agree with personally. Just know that it has been through much prayer, conversation, and the seeking of wisdom from other churches that have already been gathering that brought us to the things we have laid forth. At the end of the day as a pastor and elder of Center Church, my calling is to look out for what is best for us as a corporate body and in doing so I know that certain things might upset some along the way. So, again I would ask you for grace, humility, and flexible hearts that seek to serve one another. I know that I am not perfect, our church is not perfect, and even these policies will likely fail at times but the good news is that we have a God who loves us more deeply than we ever could, and care for our hearts more than we could ever fathom, and that is something to celebrate and gather around. So, let us seek to celebrate in joy that we can gather and let all the secondary things work themselves out along the way. I look forward to seeing and worshipping with you this Sunday.

Kyle Ogle